Thursday, 8 November 2012


Barack Obama’s victory last night came as a huge relief to me; after seeing Romney creep up in the polls following Obama’s woeful performance in the first presidential debate, I was filled with a sense of unease for the future of the United States.  Were Americans really so short sighted that they really believed Obama could turn around their ailing economy in ONE term?  They gave the clearly inept George W. Bush two whole terms to destroy their economy, involve them in two unnecessary wars in the middle east, and rack up the nation’s debt to over $11 trillion dollars. So when the man who inherits this mess of a country cannot fix it all in a ridiculously short amount of time, the only solution that is fathomable is to return governance to the very party that got them in this mess in the first place? The fact that Romney and Obama were so closely tied in the popularity polls absolutely dumbfounded me.  I’m sure Romney wasn't a terrible guy, he seemed fairly moderate by Republican standards, but the prospect of those Tea Party crazies in control was a terrifying thought to me. I am glad that, in the end, the American public did the right thing and gave Obama another four years to prove his worth.

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