Donna Meiklejohn was the guest speaker this week and did an
amazing job addressing the broad topic of ethics in the media. Meiklejohn condensed a lot of points into her
hour long presentation, and began by showing some examples of advertisements
that treaded the line of what was considered acceptable and unacceptable in
public broadcasting. While I found none
of the examples downright offensive (in fact some were quite clever), I found
the stereotyping and sexist nature of the Jim Beam ad particularly cringe
inducing. After this amusing beginning
Meiklejohn got down to business. Detailing an early experience in her
journalistic career where she was pressured by her editor into doing a death
knock on a bereaved mother, Meiklejohn found the whole situation pushed the
boundaries of her personal moral compass: Was it ethical for Meiklejohn to pressure a woman
who had tragically lost her three young children into doing an interview just so she could
save her own job?
Meiklejohn also outlined terms such as ‘deontology’
(following the rules), ‘consequentialism’ (the end justifying the means) and
‘virtue ethics’ (your actions as a journalist aligning with your own personal
morals) in relation to journalism, which were all interesting concepts. Other interesting topics touched
upon were the Fitzgerald inquiry of the 1980s and the Finklestein Inquiry of
the present day, as well as an in depth analysis of various media codes and the
issue of ‘the public interest’. This was a fascinating and informative
presentation and I found Donna Meiklejohn a very entertaining lecturer.
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